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Stories from across the globe
He didn't know whether to punish me or just laugh.
Charlie Hammerton -
You can't imagine an eleven year old being sent to war
Emma Knutzen -
We lived in luxury flats near Regents Park and ate our meals at London Zoo.
Stan Holmes -
If I didn't answer they would beat me.
Sqdn. Ldr. Bob Ankerson -
The banter, the camaraderie; you are helping each other through your injuries
Stuart Robinson -
The Air Cadets gave me experience and insight
Ian Sweet -
Like boy racers hanging out of a Tornado.
Sara Waymont -
Guy Gibson would be proud of the Squadron today.
Wg Cdr John Butcher -
We were trying to give ourselves up, but they kept shooting at us
John Peters -
If we don't get involved, people die.
Alice McDermot -
Just get out of Dover
Katherine Du Plat-Taylor -
My sexuality has no impact on my role in the RAF.
Kate Brophy