Stories from across the globe
We are all human beings
Kurt Schulze -
Banged open the throttles and pulled up and away …
Jimmy Edwards -
The crew was of absolute importance
Philip Tetlow -
The will to succeed
Dr. Harold E. Raugh, Jr. -
… six times that Focke-Wulfe attacked us.
Jimmy Edwards -
We were doing something with a purpose
Dr. Harold E. Raugh, Jr. -
Skipper! Quick - dive!
Alfred Huberman -
The worst experience I ever had
Alfred Huberman -
The German's acted as if they'd won the war
Ralph Levy -
I was born a Jew and I wanted to die a Jew
Alfred Huberman -
I felt that I'd lied
Cpl Mike Taylor -
There's no reason to hide anymore
Cpl Mike Taylor