The initial plan was to go in at low level
And we're very comfortable.
I mean, I'd have been quite happy
at less than 100 feet,
But if you did that, we were relying on
being steered towards the target
That was also not very accurate,
the what
But with that, with the standard
kit that we had on board,
so we would be lucky
And certainly flying a low level at night
But if we relied upon radar to release the bomb
because we knew we couldn't
And he, the navigator, never had
It needs a certain amount of time
his aiming point and if you're coming at 100 knots, sorry 100 feet
and then
pulled up to 300 feet,
for the bomb to actually arm itself
And he wouldn't have seen a thing.
He wouldn't have been able
And we actually ended up doing a pull up
It gave him time to aim at something
and to get steady attack
The bomb doors
we opened manually. They will go automatically,
but could opened them manually
and and then the whole system
And actually,
and then it shows you as the bombs go off.
It's in the little things.
And it's essentially
It's something like
two second intervals.
But it did seem quite a long time,
there was watching them go.
This is the last bomb gone.
The guy down the back just closed the bomb doors,
and I just rolled it away
just to get the hell out of there.
And the things have been written to say
and one thing and another
But we certainly saw nothing from.
We would have been releasing something
It's roughly
When you released the bomb, it does
rise, you know,
so you have to really hold it steady
for that brief period, several seconds.
But then there is afterwards it was back.
So, you know, it's full power and ball.
After attacking, we're supposed to run out
Well, as it turned out, the Argentinians
didn't have any
and we were far off going back,
send out any mirages
We are tracking away from Argentina.