• Church Pulverbatch Thunderbolt crash

  • Mytton Dingle Whitley bomber crash

  • Gaerstone Farm Spitfire crash

  • An adventurer who loved to fly

  • We have to thank these men for our freedom and prosperity

    Ben Lewis
  • It was a dark night, low clouds and raining

    Benny Goodman
  • Well, if you needed to pee...

    Benny Goodman
  • The first transatlantic flight, 14th June 1919

  • He was sent out to do a job. Unfortunately it didn't go according to plan.

    Patricia Slator
  • There's another one going down!

  • My first flight I sat on a spar and held on tight.

    Stan Holmes
  • The MIGs were looking for a reason to shoot us down

    Peter Pilkington