• I know a lot of people who have tried to get out of work because they were hung-over

    Grace Chew
  • Mother was horrified, but Father overruled her.

    Shobha Earl
  • Do they know who I am? I'm just a kid from Woolwich

    Trevor Edwards
  • I still spend all of my working hours supporting the military.

    Graham Grice
  • These young men thought they would live forever

    Sean Maffett
  • There isn't as much discipline as there used to be

    Ian Sweet
  • They took my gun and both my watches, but they didn't find the gold.

    Robbie Stewart
  • I was stubborn: I had to prove I could do it.

    Michelle Partington
  • There were death threats. But I'm still here.

    Flt. Lt. Gareth Davies
  • Our planes were very vulnerable on the ground

    Ronald Davis
  • If my mother supports me, forget what anyone else thinks.

    Joan Ochuodho
  • I was afraid that someone would have to lay down their life to protect me.

    Eleanor Rance